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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  1. Click the Join Live Event Now button located at the top of the EchoCenter page and identified in the below figure.
    screenshot of Live Now button for student to join live webcast in progressImage Modified

  2. Click the Play button for the Live Echo, shown in the below figure
    Screenshot showing Live Echo launch pane as described.Image Modified

Logging In through an LMS:


Through a Direct Link to the Event:

In some cases, a direct link to the Live Webcast may be sent out via email or posted on a website for general access. Typically these are used for special events or other presentations not associated with a regularly scheduled course or section.


  • You will only see the Primary Display (e.g., what is featured on a computer screen during the presentation) OR the Video for the event. You will not see both.
  • You may require a broadband (wifiWiFi) connection for the event to stream smoothly.


You can access the live webcast as early as 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. If you join the event before it starts, the screen displays a message indicating that the event will begin shortly , as shown in the figure below.

screenshot of webcast screen prior to event start as described.Image Modified

If chat is enabled for the event, you can enter chat text prior to the start of the event. You can also use the Pre-Event Chat Window link to show or hide the chat window. These are also identified in the above figure. You will not see these if chat is not available for the event.


The figure below shows a sample live event window. 

Screenshot of Live Webcast as seen by student.Image Modified

The Apps buttons may include some or all of the following:


  • Hover over the microphone to show and hide the sound slider, then adjust the volume to your liking.

  • Click the microphone to mute or unmute the sound.

  • The timer shows how long you have been logged into the webcast, including the time before and after the event.
  • Click the 1 button to show or hide the display pane.
  • Click the 2 button to show or hide the video pane.
  • Click the Conversation button to show or hide the chat pane.
  • Click the Apps button to show or hide the application buttons.
  • If you have changed the size or position , or closed of off any of the panes, click the Reset button to return to the default window arrangement.
  • If closed captioning is enabled for the event a Closed Caption button will appear which will open an additional window with the captioning.

The figure below shows a sample closed caption window. 

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How do I ask questions during the live event?


  1. Enter your question or comment into the text box.
  2. Click Submit.
    • Your text appears next to your user name username in the chat log shown on the screen.
    • It is visible to all other users (students, Teaching Assistants) and the Instructor.

A live webcast event window is shown below, including an arrow that identifies the chat section of the window.

Screenshot of Live Webcast with chat area indicated.Image Modified

What happens to the event after it finishes?


 Any chat entries are attached to the Echo as a chat log, and can be viewed, saved, and printed from the Echo.

The log includes the user name username of the person who entered the text and a timestamp for the chat entry. The timestamp may provide context for the question or comment, linking it to the information being presented at the time.


  1. Find the date and time of the original webcast and click the Launch Echo link as you normally would. 
  2. In the EchoPlayer, click Info from the Apps list, shown in the figure below.

    Screenshot showing EchoPlayer application buttons.Image Modified

  3. In the Info app, click the Live Chat Log link, identified in the figure below.

    Screenshot of Info application open showing link to chat log.Image Modified

    The chat log opens in a new tab, allowing you to review the chat entries, including the user name and timestamp for each entry. A sample chat log is shown below.  

    Screenshot of chat log text file.Image Modified

  4. When finished, close the tab to return to the Echo. You can use the browser's Print and Save commands to print or save the chat log if needed.