In this section:


Personal Capture allows you to select the inputs you want to capture for each recording, and the output quality for the capture. The below figure identifies the locations of the drop-down lists for selecting recording inputs and capture quality output.

The input and output selections you make are retained, even after you close the program. This means you can configure these settings once and use the same ones each time you create a recording, without the need to re-select them.

Select Input for Recording

Personal Capture allows you to record up to three inputs, as follows: 

Use the three drop-down lists, identified in the above picture on the left side of the screen, to select the inputs you want to use. Choose None Selected if applicable to that input.

Note the following about Audio input:

After you select the appropriate inputs, check the preview of those inputs shown on the screen. Each is identified in the following figure and described below the figure.

Select Output Quality for Capture

The output selection drop-down list is located on the right side of the preview screen above the Primary Video preview pane. It is circled in the figure at the top of this page. This selection allows you to determine the resolution of the video and display output of the capture, which in turn determines the size of the capture files saved to your drive and subsequently uploaded to the ESS and viewed or downloaded by students.

The selections available are as follows:

Configuring Quality Selection Settings - Advanced Users Only

The resolution defaults for Personal Capture outputs are maintained in a set of XML files installed with the program. If the resolution and other output details for the pre-configured selections are not appropriate for your situation and needs, you can manually configure these files. Changes in the XML files will change the output generated for captures made with the corresponding selection in the interface.

If you are not familiar with working in XML files, you are strongly encouraged to work with a local expert or contact Echo360 Customer Support for assistance.  You must have Windows Administrator rights on the computer to alter these files.

The output quality XML files are located in the /config/ sub-folder of the Data directory identified during installation. By default this is: c:/ProgramData/Echo360/PersonalCapture/config

The directory contains the following files:

Each XML file contains property values that determine the capture output quality for Audio, Display, and Video inputs. If needed, you may change these files to generate different output settings for each of the selection options.

You must restart the Personal Capture application for your changes to these files to take effect.

We strongly recommend that you save a copy of the original XML files, as installed, PRIOR to making changes. In the event something happens where the altered files do not work or are not generating the desired output, you will want to have the original files for the program to use. You can simply create a copy in the same directory with "_ORIG" appended to the file name. For example, MedRes_ORIG.xml.