In this section:


After you complete a recording, you will want to review it.

You may also want to edit it. When the recording is ready, you will want to /wiki/spaces/54/pages/590217399 the recording so it can be viewed by students.

If your institution has integrated Lecture Tools with EchoSystem, you can also /wiki/spaces/54/pages/590217411, to provide students with pre-class exercises, such as polls or quizzes. Student responses can then be discussed in class.

Review a Recording

  1. Use either method to select a recording to edit:
  2. In the Edit Recording screen, press the Play button.
    Play button in Edit Recording screen
  3. Review the recording.

Edit a Recording

You can:

Trim ("Top 'n Tail")

You may want to trim off the beginning and end of a presentation, leaving only the substantive portion.

  1. Select the recording to be edited.
  2. Click View/Edit. The Edit Recording screen appears.
  3. Drag the left slider in to trim the beginning of the recording.
    Left slider button
  4. Drag the right slider in to trim the end of the recording.
    Right slider button
    Edit Recording screen with the left and right sliders in position to trim top and tail
  5. Make sure the playhead is at the beginning of the timeline.
  6. Play the recording with the cuts in place.
  7. Either clear the cuts (with the Clear Cuts button) or save your changes (with the Apply Edits button).
  8. If you save changes, the edits are applied and the My Recordings page displays.
  9. Notice that your recording is shown as Edited.
    My Recordings screen shows recording is edited

Cut a Segment

If you paused and resumed a recording, you may want to cut out the middle portion of the recording that shows you clicking the pause and resume buttons.

  1. Select the recording to be edited.
  2. Click View/Edit. The Edit Recording screen appears.
  3. Mark the segment you want to be cut, using either the playhead and marker buttons or the sliders.
    1. To use the playhead and marker buttons:
      1. Position the playhead on the section where you want the cut to start. In this example, the cut begins at 00:00:15 seconds.
        Positon playhead at start position
      2. Click the mark-in button. This places the mark-in point at the current playhead position.
        Mark-in button
      3. Position the playhead on the section where you want the cut to end.
      4. Click the mark-out button. This places the mark-out point at the current playhead position.
        Mark-out button
    2. To use the sliders:
      1. Find the sliders to the left of the timeline.
        Screenshot of sliders.
      2. Drag the left slider in to the start of the segment.
        Left slider at start of segment
      3. Drag the right slider in to the end of the segment.
        Right slider at end of segment
      4. Verify that the sliders are in the correct positions.
        Screen showing sliders in position
  4. Click Cut.
    trim button
  5. Notice that the cut area appears gray on the timeline.
  6. Play the recording with the cuts in place.
  7. Either clear the cuts or save your changes.
  8. If you save changes, the edits are applied and the My Recordings page displays.
  9. Notice that your recording is shown as Edited.
    My Recordings screen shows recording is edited

Clear Cuts

You can use these methods if you are cutting a middle segment. You cannot use this method when trimming the beginning or end of a recording.

Review Changes

Use the playback control buttons to view and/or listen to the edited recording.
playback control buttons

Save Changes

  1. Click Apply Edits.

    Changes cannot be undone after the edits are applied.

  2. Confirm or cancel changes.