In this section:


Personal Capture for Mac allows for command line installation (or unattended) of the software via command line execution on the target computer.

The command line install process is nearly identical to the standard installation process except for these differences.

Personal Capture for Mac is supported on Mac OS X 10.7 and above (including support for 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite).

For Re-Installation or Upgrades

Both this and future upgrades can be executed from the Personal Capture installation by clicking on the upgrade message provided in the bottom bar of the application window.

If Personal Capture is not performing correctly and Customer Support has suggested you perform a fresh installation, uninstall the existing instance and restart the computer before re-installing.

Installation Procedure

Command line installation of Personal Capture involves the following steps:

  1. Create a configuration file to use for all of the classroom installations.
  2. Identify the computers where you want to install Personal Capture.
  3. Verify that the computers are running Mac OS X 10.7 or above.
  4. Download the installer from the ESS. If you have multiple ESSs, be sure the installer you use is from the same ESS with which the Personal Capture installation will be used.
  5. Run the unattended installation command. 

Create the Configuration File

The configuration file contains the same information you would normally enter via the installation wizard, and includes the following parameter:

Create the configuration file and save it. You can name the file anything you want. The examples shown in the instructions on this page assume the name of the file is config.txt.

An example configuration file for Personal Capture mode installation:


If you are installing Personal Capture for Mac to multiple Academic Staff Macs, note the following:

Run the Unattended Install

The installation procedure provided below assumes the following:

If you are not familiar with the standard installation process, see Install Personal Capture Software.

To perform an unattended install:

  1. Create and save a configuration file as described above.
  2. Download the installation executable package ( from the ESS Downloads page, then unzip it.
    Note the following:
    • If you have multiple ESSs, be sure the installer you use is from the same ESS with which the Personal Capture installation will be used.
    • Be sure to note the location of the executable. You will need to run the installation command from this location.
  3. Open the Terminal.
  4. Navigate to the directory where the installation executable was saved.

    cd ~/Downloads/ 
  5. Enter the following commands to adjust the permissions needed for this procedure.

    chmod +x Echo360\ Personal\ Capture && chmod +x osx-intel && chmod +x installbuilder*
  6. Run the installation using the configuration file parameters. Be sure to use the fully qualified path to the configuration file. The example command shown below assumes the configuration file is saved on the Academic Staff member's desktop on the target computer. Replace ~/Desktop/ with the appropriate directory/path.

    ./ --mode unattended --optionfile ~/Desktop/config.txt

  7. When the installer is finished, close the Terminal window.

Troubleshooting the Installation

If you have problems with the installation, you can turn on a higher level of error messaging by adjusting the "debuglevel" option in the configuration file and specifying the location of the debug results. The most "verbose" debug level is level 4, and should provide you with sufficient information. 

An example configuration file for additional debug logging (The example file that is shown below assumes the debug file name being created is debug.txt and that it is being saved on the Academic Staff member's desktop on the target computer. Replace debug.txt with the appropriate filename and ~/Desktop/ with the appropriate directory/path):




Next Steps

For Personal Capture installations, inform the Academic Staff members of the new or upgraded program. You can point users to Personal Capture for Academic Staff online documentation, or instruct them to click the Help link in the interface for a PDF containing instructions for use.

If you upgraded Personal Capture installations for Mac users, you may want to inform staff of the new interface, and of the following: