In this section:


Defaults streamline device management and capture workflow because they:

Passing these settings down is referred to as inheritance. Because objects inherit settings from the defaults, you do not have to set them manually. This simplifies tasks such adding a new device or creating a new schedule.

Set the defaults during installation or when upgrading to get the full benefit of this efficiency.

Concepts and Rules

As you work with defaults, understand these concepts.

These rules also apply:

Where Do Defaults Come From?

Defaults are set in different ways, depending on the object.

These defaults replace the global defaults in earlier releases.


If your EchoSystem Server (ESS) has a hierarchy of parent and child organizations, the inheritance chain has four levels for most objects:

If you do not implement delegated administration (and therefore do not have a parent-child hierarchy), the chain has three levels: Level 2, the child organization level, is eliminated. Objects or sections inherit settings directly from the parent organization.

This inheritance chain does not apply to devices, which inherit their settings directly from the device default settings.

For the most part, system settings are not inherited. One exception is the Academic Staff Upload Properties, which are set at a system level (System > System Settings), then inherited by individual Academic Staff.

Inheritance When You Change an Object's Organization

When you change an object's organization, the object's properties may not inherit as expected.

An object's properties will be handled in these ways:

The customization rule does not apply if you specify the value of a property on a spreadsheet and import the property using the import/export method; the value on the spreadsheet overrides any other value.