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The administrative tasks for live webcasting involves involve a variety of configuration and setup items, and consists of these phases:


  1. Update the ESS to use the EchoSelect license. This license includes live webcasting as an option.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. If you have a site license, continue with the configuration. See Configure the Wowza Media Server
    2. If you have venue licenses, assign the licenses to venues (typically classrooms) that will have live webcasting.


  1. Make sure the Wowza Media Server has a production license. Each viewer receiving the live webcast requires, at least, four connections to the Wowza Media Server and may need as many as seven. Development or staging licenses do not have enough connections to support a typical class.
  2. Estimate your anticipated media server requirements for both live webcasts and on-demand recordings. See Deployment Planning and Bandwidth Requirements for Capture and Media Formats.
  3. Install and configure your Wowza Media Server. See Configure the Flash Media Streaming Server and Configure an External Wowza Media Server for external configuration instructions.
  4. Reconfigure the firewall ports for the Wowza Media Server.
  5. Review, and if necessary, edit the Streaming Settings.


  1. Use the Product Group drop-down list to select a live-enabled product group. The selected product group is passed through to each schedule you generate for this section, however, you can select a different product group for each schedule if appropriate.
  2. Use the Security Module drop-down list to identify how users access captures for this section (either live webcasts or Echoes).

    • If you select Allow All, users are not required to log in to view any live webcasts or Echoes published for this section. This also means that the chat and presence capabilities for the live webcast are also disabled because these features require users to be identified (via their logins).
    • Selecting a different Security Module will require authentication (student login) in order to access the live webcasts or Echoes, and also allows the use of the chat feature for live webcasts if you have the Collaboration and Statistics Service  configured for your system.


  1. Navigate to the Schedules page (Schedule > Schedules).
  2. You can create a new schedule for the section OR edit an existing schedule to do live webcasting:  
    • Select the section you want to schedule with live webcasting using the Term, Course, and Section drop-down lists. Click Add New.
    • Find the section you want to edit to include live webcasting from the Schedules list. Hover your mouse over the section and click the edit button that appears.
  3. Select or if necessary, change the room where the section occurs. The room selected MUST have a SafeCapture HD capture appliance. Live can only occur in venues that have a SafeCapture HD. 
  4. Configure or review the Date and Time, Exclusions, Presenters, and Echo Defaults settings.
  5. Review or edit the Product Groups selection for the section.
    • If you choose a product group for which live is required, the Stream Live field is checked but grayed (dimmed) because there is no need to configure it.
    • If you choose a product group for which live is optional, the Stream Live field can be enabled or disabled as shown in the below figure. Enabling this check box generates a live webcast URL and allows students to view the section in real time.

      screeshot of the Stream Live checkbox enabled as describedImage Modified

  6. Review the Echo Defaults section of the Schedule Details page. Be sure that the Echoes Initially Unavailable checkbox is NOT checked, as shown in the below figure. Uncheck the box if necessary.
    screeshot of the Echoes Initially Unavailable checkbox unchecked as described
  7. Click Save.
  8. Review the schedule settings. Be sure the Stream Live setting under Product Groups reads Yes.
  9. Click Activate to activate the schedule.
  10. When the Schedule Details page refreshes after activation, notice, in the Course/Description section of the page, there is a Next Live Event Link entry followed by a URL, shown in the figure below. If appropriate, you can disseminate this link via email or by posting it on a website, to allow students to join the webcast. The EchoCenter page for the section also provides access to the webcast. For more information on providing access to the scheduled live webcast, see Notify Students. 
    screeshot of the Next Live Event link as describedImage Modified

Administer the Live Webcast


  1. In the ESS, navigate to Monitor > Summary.
  2. The Capturing tab is active by default. If there is a current live webcast being captured, it is listed on the Capturing tab along with a Monitor link in the Streaming column, as shown in the below figure. 

    Screenshot of Monitor Summary page with Monitor link identified as described.Image Modified

  3. Click the Monitor link. This opens the EchoCenter page for the live webcast section in a new tab.
  4. Click to join the live webcast in progress. The student view of the webcast appears, allowing you to see the output being viewed by students.


  1. In the ESS, navigate to Configuration > Devices.
  2. Look for the SafeCapture HD device in the room where the live webcast is taking place. If necessary, use the Search drop-down lists to filter which devices are shown.
  3. Click the MAC address for the device. The Device Details screen opens.
  4. In the Device Details screen, click the Local IP Address. A new browser tab opens, connecting to the device.
  5. When prompted, enter your Administrator user name and password. The interface to the device appears, with the Capture tab active by default.
  6. Click the Monitor tab to activate it. One of two monitoring tasks will be available:
    • If the webcast has not yet started, click Start Monitoring to review the inputs being received for the webcast. This is the feed the students will see once the webcast begins.
    • If the webcast has begun, the Monitoring tab shows the inputs being broadcast. This is the feed that students are seeing. The figure below shows the Monitor tab of a SafeCapture HD device. Notice that the figure shows both a Video and a Display feed.
      screenshot of Monitoring tab during Live webcast as describedImage Modified
  7. When finished, click Stop Monitoring. If the webcast has begun, simply close the browser.


Live webcasts can be controlled much the same way that Ad Hoc recordings are controlled. This includes the ability to pause, resume, extend, and stop a live webcast. In fact, you use the same interface features. If you have integrated the capture appliance with an AMX or Crestron system, there are no changes to enable capture control functionality through the capture device API.

In the same way that way that pausing an Ad Hoc recording suspends the capture of a classroom's activities, pausing a live webcast suspends the broadcast of the event or class until the webcast is resumed. 


  1. Navigate to Configuration > Devices.
  2. Look for the SafeCapture HD device in the room where the live webcast is taking place. If necessary, use the Search drop-down lists to filter which devices are shown.
  3. Click the MAC address for the device. The Device Details screen opens.
  4. In the Device Details screen, click the Local IP Address. A new browser tab opens, connecting to the device.
  5. When prompted, enter your Administrator user name and password. The interface to the device appears, with the Capture tab active by default, shown in the figure below.  

    screenshot of Capture tab during Live webcast as describedImage Modified

  6. Use the Stop CapturePause Capture, and Extend Capture buttons as follows to manipulate the live webcast:
