Classroom Capture Specifications

Classroom Capture Specifications

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Capture Options

Software Capture for the Classroom supports:

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Capture Products

Classroom Capture Software can generate these products:

  • Podcast - MP3 audio
  • Vodcast - M4V audio and display
  • Audio Rich Media - audio and display
  • EchoPlayer - audio, display, and video

Hardware and Software Requirements

  • Windows 7 or Windows 8.1
  • Intel i5-2400 Quad Core Processor
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 10/100 network interface
  • 60 GB free hard drive space
  • Internal audio device or USB port for audio capture

Capturing Memory-Intensive Applications

Capturing CPU or memory-intensive applications such as CAD or 3D modeling software may require a more capable computer

Audio is captured using the built-in sound card input on the computer running the capture software. A 1/8" line-in/mic-in connection, USB-based audio or capture card can be used for capturing audio. Audio levels should be configured on the input to be as high as possible without reaching maximum levels during peaks or causing audible distortion during the recording.

The display is captured from the local VGA screen buffer and requires no external connection or configuration. We currently support capturing resolutions up to 1080p (1920x1080).

Classroom Capture has not been qualified on hybrid PCs (touch screen PCs, writable screen PCs, etc.) Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee full compatibility with these devices.

Classroom Capture has not been qualified for use on Windows 10 with the ESS. Windows 10 support is currently available on the Echo360 active learning platform.

Deployment Considerations


Classroom Capture runs on Windows PCs and depends on Windows networking components. It must be able to resolve the hostname of the EchoSystem Server (ESS). Additionally, the Ad Hoc Web Interface interface is provided by a highly secure local HTTP server. To access the Ad Hoc Web Interface interface, the Windows firewall must allow incoming connections to the Ad Hoc Web Interface interface port, which is configured in the ESS.

The Ad Hoc Web Interface interface can be disabled in the ESS if necessary.


Cabling must be provided from the audio or video source to the podium PC for audio or video capture.

Using Configuration Management Suites

EchoSystem is designed to allow the ESS to remotely manage and upgrade capture software installations and creates a number of files during the capture and upload process. If you intend to use configuration management tools, such as Faronics Deep Freeze, you must configure the configuration management tool so that the capture software is allowed access to key directories and files, and must have capture storage directories that are not automatically purged/cleared by other applications. Classroom Capture software directories and executables are discussed in the Server Installation Guide.