Install the ESS

Install the ESS

In this section:


The EchoSystem Server (ESS) is supported on Windows and Linux platforms. For specific operating system support, see the Deployment Guide. You must have administrative/root privileges to install the ESS.

The installation software is provided through a compressed file downloaded from the Echo360 customer support portal. Save it to a directory location on the hard drive of the machine where you want to run the ESS.

Installation Pre-Requisites

Please note the following space and setting requirements prior to installation:

  • Be sure you have at least 5 GB of free space available on the installation directory/drive before you install the ESS. The installer will check the drive and return an error message if there is insufficient space on the drive. Installation cannot continue until more space is made available.
  • If you are installing on Linux, the ulimit setting for the "maximum number of open file descriptors per process" on the server MUST be set to at least 64K (64x1024) in order for ESS installation to succeed. If this setting is lower, the installer will ask to change it. See Linux ESS Installation below for more information.

Installation Checklists

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Flash Streaming Media Server Installation

You will need to install and configure a Wowza Media Server from v3.5 through v4.1, or an Adobe Media Server to serve flash streaming content to users. The flash media server is used to stream both on-demand content (echoes) as well as live webcasts. See Configure the Flash Media Streaming Server for additional information and configuration instructions.

Third-Party Database Installation

You will need to install and configure a MySQL or MSSQL database server on either the ESS computer itself or on an external server. See Supported Third-Party Components on the Supported Technologies page for a list of supported databases.

Configure MySQL

MySQL can be installed on either Linux or Windows. This section does not describe how to install a MySQL server. These directions assume it is already installed.

Basic configuration instructions are as follows:

  1. Verify you are running a supported version of MySQL (Community or Enterprise 5.5 or 5.6) See Supported Technologies if necessary.
  2. Log in to the MySQL server as the root user configured when MySQL was installed.
  3. If the MySQL binary log is enabled, make sure you are using a binary logging format of either ROW or MIXED. Consult your Database Administrator if necessary.
  4. Create an ESS database/schema named essdata, and if not already set, configure the character set for utf8.
  5. Create an ESS user for the database named essuser.
  6. Assign all privileges to the essuser for the essdata database schema.

If you require more detailed instructions for creating a database and user, refer to the section below that corresponds with the MySQL installation you are running.

Configure MySQL on Linux

Create the ESS database/schema:

CREATE DATABASE essdata CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';

Create the ESS user for the ESS database, and grant all necessary privileges:

grant all on essdata.* to 'essuser'@'%' identified by <your-passwd>;

Configure MySQL on Windows through MySQL Workbench

Create the ESS database/schema:

  1. In the left pane of MySQL Workbench, right-click Schema and select Create New Schema.
  2. Enter essdata into the Name field, and retain the other defaults.
  3. Click Apply, then click Finish.

Create the ESS user for the ESS database, and grant all necessary privileges:

  1. In the left pane, click Users and Privileges (enter your password to access this feature).
  2. Click Add Account.
  3. Enter essuser in the Login Name field.
  4. Enter and confirm a password for the user.  
  5. Click the Schema Privileges tab to activate it.
  6. Click Add Entry.
  7. Enable the Selected Schema radio button.
  8. Select the newly created essdata schema from the list.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Select All to select all of the privileges listed.
  11. Click Apply.

Configure MySQL on Windows through MySQL Administrator

Create the ESS database/schema:

  1. Click Catalogs
  2. Right-click under Schemata and select Create New Schema.
  3. Enter essdata for the schema name.
  4. Click OK.

Create the ESS user for the ESS database, and grant all necessary privileges:

  1. Click User Administration and click the Add new user button.
    • MySQL User: essuser
    • Password: <your-passwd>
    • Confirm: <your-passwd>
  2. Click the Schema Privileges tab.
  3. Under Schemata, select essdata.
  4. Select all the Available Privileges and move them to the Assigned Privileges.

Configure Microsoft SQL Server

The procedure below provides instructions for creating a new Microsoft SQL Server database for use with the ESS. After completing the following steps, be sure to see Prevent Deadlocking immediately below for additional configuration tasks.

  1. Verify that you are running a supported version of the Microsoft SQL Server. See Supported Technologies.
  2. If necessary, install or upgrade to a supported version of the Microsoft SQL Server and Manager.
  3. Log in to the Microsoft SQL Server.
  4. Run SQL Server Manager or Management Studio.
  5. Create a user (SQL Server user) for the database.
    1. Right-click Security and select New Login.
    2. Enter essuser for the Login Name and select SQL Server Authentication.
    3. Enter an appropriate password and other desired properties.
    4. Click OK.

      Unsupported Features

      Mapped certificates, asymmetric keys, and credentials were not tested and are not supported.

  6. Create an ESS database.
    1. Right-click Databases and select New Database.
    2. Enter essdata for the Database Name and select essuser for the Owner.
    3. Set all other desired properties.
    4. Click OK.


Prevent Deadlocking

The SQL Server database is subject to deadlocking. You can prevent this possibility by setting READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT to on.

  1. Run this command:

    SELECT IS_READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT_ON FROM sys.databases WHERE name= '<ess-dbname>';
  2. If you get a 1 in response, you are done.

  3. If you get a 0 in response, follow these steps:
    1. Make sure that only the connection executing the ALTER DATABASE command is open.
    2. Run these commands, which set READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT to on.

    3. Run the SELECT command again:

      SELECT IS_READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT_ON FROM sys.databases WHERE name= '<ess-dbname>';
    4. Verify that you see a 1 in response.

Windows ESS Installation

There is one version of the Windows installer available for download from the Echo360 Customer Support website, supporting 64-bit distributions.  You must be a user with administrator rights to perform the installation.

  1. Extract the zip file downloaded from the Echo360 website. Navigate to the EchoSystem 5.5 directory. Double-click the installer executable.
    1. On 64-bit Windows systems, you will be prompted to move an existing 32-bit installation (if one existed) to the correct directory before proceeding.
    2. Follow the instructions if applicable and click OK.
  2. The installer opens to the Introduction screen. Quit all other programs before continuing. Click Next.
  3. Read the License agreement and select the radio button to accept the terms. Click Next.
  4. Select the directory location for the install folder. You may choose to specify a custom location or accept the default location at C:\Program Files\Echo360\Server\. Click Next.
  5. Select the radio button for the database server you will use and click Next.
    1. Selecting MySQL elicits prompts for information to connect to the database.
    2. Enter this information and proceed.
  6. The pre-installation summary screen identifies the directory locations for the ESS install and its Java component. Click Install.
  7. The installation runs.
  8. The final screen shows the installation directory location, the URL to open the ESS UI in your browser, and your login credentials. Make a note of these credentials.
  9. Click Done.
  10. Proceed to Initial ESS Configuration.

Linux ESS Installation

There is one version of the Linux installer available for download from the Echo360 Customer Support website, supporting 64-bit distributions. You must be a user with root privileges or use sudo to perform the installation.

This procedure assumes you have already downloaded the installation file (the .tar.gz file) from the Echo360 download page.

Maximum Number of Open File Descriptors Must Be At Least 64K

If you are installing on Linux, the ulimit setting for the "maximum number of open file descriptors per process" on the server MUST be set to at least 64K (64x1024) in order for ESS installation to succeed. If this setting is lower, the installer will ask to change it. If you select N (no), the installation will stop and exit.

To view a list of the per-process resource limits currently enforced by the operating system, log on as the 'root' user and execute the command ulimit -a. For more details, do a man ulimit at the Unix command prompt, or see http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_ulimit.htm.

Follow these steps.

  1.  If you are installing on an RHEL 6 64-bit system, the required 32-bit compatibility libraries must be installed first. RHEL 6 64-bit no longer ships with these libraries by default. The installer will give an error until it successfully detects these libraries. From a terminal prompt, type this command:

    yum install glibc-2*.i686 libstdc++-4*.i686

  2. Extract the .tar.gz file downloaded from the Echo360 website. From a terminal prompt, navigate to the extracted EchoSystem 5.5 directory.
  3. The installer binary file may need the right permissions set to run as an executable. From a terminal prompt, type this command:

    sudo chmod +x echosystem_5.5_linux...bin

  4. Launch the binary file. From a terminal prompt, type this command:


  5. The installer opens to the Introduction screen. Quit all other applications before continuing. Click Enter to continue.
  6. Read the License agreement. Click Enter to continue. When you reach the end, type Y to accept the terms of the license agreement.
  7. Enter the directory location for the install folder (absolute path), or click Enter to accept the default (/usr/local/echo360).
  8. You have the option to create a dedicated user account for administration of the ESS if one doesn't already exist. Follow the onscreen instructions and type your selection from the list of options, then click Enter. You can also click Enter to accept the default option.
  9. If you opted to create an ESS Admin Username, type it in now. Then click Enter. You will then be prompted to enter an ESS Admin Password. When complete, click Enter, then type again for confirmation, and click Enter.
  10.  Select the radio button for the database server you will use and click Next.
    1. Selecting MySQL elicits prompts for information to connect to the database.
    2. Enter this information and proceed.
  11. The pre-installation summary screen identifies the ESS install location, and the disk space required. Click Enter to continue.
  12. The Database Install runs first. Click Enter to continue. Note: this may take a few moments. Once complete, click Enter to continue with the installation.
  13. The final screen shows the installation directory location, the URL to open the ESS UI in your browser, and your login credentials. Make a note of these credentials.
  14. Click Enter to exit the installer.
  15. Proceed to Initial ESS Configuration.


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