Manage Rooms

Manage Rooms

In this section:


Rooms are a critical concept for the EchoSystem Server (ESS) and are configured by navigating to Configuration > Rooms.

Rooms are associated with Buildings and Campuses in a logical hierarchy. Within Rooms are Devices which are scheduled for capture or used for Ad Hoc captures. The Room must also be licensed for the capture method or device contained in the room.

Rooms, Buildings, and Campuses are all created through the Add Room functionality.  The following table provides descriptions of these terms and how they apply.


Applies To




Campus defines the physical campus on which buildings and classrooms exist. They are the top tier in room structure.



Buildings define the physical building in which the classrooms exist. They are the second tier in the room structure.


Capture Appliances
Classroom Capture

Rooms are the physical classroom or lab in which lectures are occurring and are captured. Rooms are scheduled for capture.

Device Room Assignment

Capture Appliances
Classroom Capture

EchoSystem devices are assigned to rooms for scheduling.

Room or Venue License Assignment

Venues/Rooms with capture appliances
Venues/Rooms with Classroom Capture

Specific venues that are licensed for capture, typically classrooms, auditoriums, or other lecture locations.

Room Settings

Rooms with capture appliances
Rooms with Classroom Capture

The settings for a room.

You can filter the Rooms list by Campus, Building, or Keyword to quickly find a specific room.  You can also add new rooms, import or export rooms (via a CSV file), or retire rooms.

Add Rooms

Rooms are the physical locations in which capture is occurring. They are defined within a structure of campuses and buildings. Capture devices are assigned to rooms and rooms are scheduled for capture.

  1. In the ESS interface, navigate to Configuration > Rooms.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add New Room screen opens as shown in the below figure.
    Screenshot of add new room page as described.
  3. If necessary, add a campus.
    1. Click the Add link next to the campus list to open the Add New Campus dialog.
    2. Add the name of your campus.
    3. If appropriate, enter an Alternate Identifier for the campus. See Room Configuration Options for details on this field.

    4. Select a Time Zone from the list. This is the time zone where the campus is.

    5. Click Save. If you have capture rooms across multiple campuses, you will create each of these campuses using the same steps when you create the rooms.
  4. Select the appropriate campus.
  5. If necessary, add a building using the same steps as adding a campus above.
  6. Select the appropriate building.
  7. Complete the Room Details section. See Room Configuration Options for details.
  8. Review the fields and if necessary edit the Device Web User Interface fields. These are inherited from the device defaults. See Room Configuration Options for details. See Manage Device Defaults for information on setting these defaults.
  9. Click Save.
  10. On the Room screen, the new entry is visible as a line item in the Rooms list.
  11. Repeat this operation for each room, campus, and building as needed.

You may sometimes want to add many rooms all at once or to change properties of many rooms. You can do this efficiently by using the export and import feature with a spreadsheet program such as Excel. See Import and Export Objects.

Room Configuration Options

Room Location

The following figure shows the Room Location configuration settings. Below the figure is a table that describes the settings available.

Screenshot of Room Location configuration options as described.



Inherited From...


The campus in which the capture room resides



The building in which the capture room resides


Room Details

The following figure shows the Room Details configuration settings. Below the figure is a table that describes the settings available.

Screenshot of Room Details configuration options as described.




The name of the room or lecture hall where the capture appliance is installed, or its identifying number.

EchoSystem Identifier
Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt-include}
Alternate Identifier
Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt-include}


The organization that owns the room. If you are the System Administrator or Administrator of the parent organization, you will see all rooms. If you are the Administrator of a child organization, you will see only the rooms owned by your organization.

License Rooms

Classrooms, auditoriums, lecture halls or other venues can be licensed individually or as a group. See Manage Licenses for more information on licensing, and License Rooms for instructions on assigning individual licenses to rooms or venues. 

Alternately, EchoSystem allows you to assign a license for a capture method for a room at the same time you assign the capture appliance or classroom capture installation to the room. The instructions in the following sections show you how to assign capture methods to a room, including a step for assigning a license if necessary.

Assign Capture Appliance to the Room

  1. Log in to the ESS.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Devices.
  3. Mouse over the line item of the capture appliance to be assigned to the room.
  4. Click Edit from the hover menu. The Edit Device screen opens.
    Screenshot of Current Room Assignment section of edit appliance device screen.
  5. Select the campus, building and room from the Current Room Assignment section.
  6. If necessary, select a license from the License drop-down list. This assigns a product license to that room for the selected device. The figure below shows an SCHD device assigned to a room with an appropriate license.
  7. Click Save. The device summary appears.
  8. Click Done. The Device Details screen shows the capture appliance and room assignment.
  9. Repeat this operation for each capture appliance and associated room.

The capture appliance is now enabled and assigned a licensed room location. Your EchoSystem is now installed and ready to capture lectures. See EchoSystem Capture in the Classroom for additional information and links to related documentation.

If You Are Assigning the EchoSystem SafeCapture HD

The SafeCapture HD does not record high definition content that is protected by HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection). If other devices in the room use HDCP, the SafeCapture HD does not record their content.

Assign Classroom Capture to the Room

  1. Log in to the ESS.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Devices.
  3. Mouse over the line item of the device to be assigned a room.
  4. Click Edit from the hover menu. The Edit Device screen opens.
  5. Select the campus, building and room from the Current Room Assignment section.
    Screenshot of Current Room Assignment section of edit capture software device screen.
  6. If necessary, select a license from the License drop-down list. This assigns a product license to that room for the selected device. The figure below shows a Classroom Capture device assigned to a room with an appropriate license. 
  7. Click Save. The device summary appears.
  8. Click Done. The Device Details screen shows the capture appliance and room assignment.
  9. Repeat this operation for each Classroom Capture device and associated room.

The Classroom Capture software is now enabled and assigned a licensed room location. Your EchoSystem is now installed and ready to capture lectures. See EchoSystem Capture in the Classroom for additional information and links to related documentation.

Retire a Room

You can retire a room that is not currently active. You cannot retire a room that is still associated with a course, a section, or a schedule. Those rooms are considered active and cannot be retired.

To retire rooms, you must have the role of Administrator of either the parent or child organization or System Administrator of the parent organization.

After you retire a room, you cannot associate the room with a course, a section, or a schedule. Retiring a room does not delete the room permanently. You can reinstate a retired room later.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Rooms.
  2. To retire a single room, hover your mouse over the room's name and click retire, as shown in the figure below.
    screenshot of room with mouse-over buttons shown.
  3. To retire multiple rooms at once:
    1. Check the rooms you want to retire, either individually or using the Select links at the bottom of the page, highlighted in the below figure.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Select Retire selected from the drop-down box, also shown in the below figure.
  4. In either case, a confirmation message appears. Click Yes to confirm the retirement of the room(s).

The selected room(s) move to the Retired tab.

Delete a Room

Deleting a room removes that room permanently from the ESS. To delete rooms, you must have the role of Administrator of either the parent or child organization or System Administrator of the parent organization. You cannot delete rooms that are associated with an ongoing course, section or schedule. To delete those rooms, you must remove the association between the room and the course, section, or schedule first.

You must retire a room before you can delete it.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Rooms.
  2. If necessary, retire the room or rooms.
  3. Select the Retired tab, as shown in the figure below.
  4. To delete a single room, hover your mouse over the room's name and click delete.
  5. To delete multiple rooms at once:
    1. Check the rooms you want to delete, either individually or using the Select links at the bottom of the page, highlighted in the below figure.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Select Delete permanently from the drop-down box, also shown in the below figure.
  6. In either case, a confirmation message appears. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of the room(s).

Reinstate a Room

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Rooms.
  2. Select the Retired tab, as shown in the figure below.
  3. To reinstate a single room, hover your mouse over the room's name and click reinstate.
  4. To delete multiple rooms at once:
    1. Check the rooms you want to reinstate, either individually or using the Select links at the bottom of the page, highlighted in the below figure.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Select Reinstate selected from the drop-down box, also shown in the below figure.

The rooms are reinstated and appear on the Active tab.


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