Prerequisite Installation Checklist

Prerequisite Installation Checklist

In this section:

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Server Infrastructure

Supporting Application Servers




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Third-Party Database Server

The ESS supports several third-party database servers. See Supported Third-Party Components of the Supported Technologies page.

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Web Services

ESS bundles Jetty for native web services. In this context, Jetty primarily provides for content delivery. You are not required to use Jetty, however. Other web servers can be configured to provide this service. See Supported Third-Party Components of the Supported Technologies page.

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Streaming Services

ESS allows for the use of a Wowza Media Server (Wowza) or Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server (Adobe FMS3). See Configure the Flash Media Streaming Server for configuration recommendations and instructions. See also Supported Third-Party Components of the Supported Technologies page.

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File Transfer Services

ESS bundles Maverick SSHD for native secure file transfer (SFTP) services. Other SFTP or FTP servers may also be used.

EchoSystem Server (ESS)




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Server Acquired/Identified

The ESS system has been procured and racked in the location for production operation.

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Server Meets Specifications

The ESS specifications have been reviewed and the system meets the requirements for production operation. These requirements are detailed in Server Requirements.

In addition, the drive/directory where ESS is to be installed or upgraded must have at least 5 GB of free space available.

For Linux servers, the ulimit setting for the "maximum number of open file descriptors per process" on the server must be set to at least 64K (64x1024). If this setting is lower, the installer will ask to change it. To view a list of the per-process resource limits currently enforced by the operating system, log on as the 'root' user and execute the command ulimit -a.  For more details, do a  man ulimit at the Unix command prompt, or see http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_ulimit.htm.

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Third-Party Database Server Installed

The ESS supports several third-party database servers. See Supported Third-Party Components of the Supported Technologies page.

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Licensing and Customer ID

Each server installation requires a customer identifier (customer ID) that is used to uniquely identify your institution and the product licenses you have purchased.

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Storage Provisioned

All storage provisioning should be completed before deployment of the ESS. This includes archival, deletion, upload, and online storage areas.

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Networking and Firewall Rules Established

Address the networking and firewall requirements detailed in Firewall Requirements for Installation prior to an installation of the ESS software.

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Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Established

The IP address of the ESS should be registered with a DNS server and configured with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

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Time Synchronized with NTP Server

Time is a critical element to many ESS and device activities. Ensure that the ESS system is set up to synchronize the time with an internal or external time server. Echo360 recommends that the ESS and the capture devices use the same time server to synchronize their time.

EchoSystem Media Processor




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Server Acquired/Identified

The EchoSystem Media Processor system(s) have been procured and racked in the location for production operation.

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Server Meets Specifications

The EchoSystem Media Processor specifications have been reviewed and the system meets the requirements for production operation. These requirements are detailed in Server Requirements.

Capture Infrastructure

Classroom Devices




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Display cable run to classroom device location

Ensure that the display cabling has been run to the classroom device location. Please review the supported display configurations for your device:

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Display Signal Checked

Verify a quality display signal is available at the capture device location. Verify that the display signal delivers the capture appliance a supported capture resolution by reviewing the specifications above.

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Audio cable run to the classroom device location

Ensure that the audio cabling has been run to the classroom device location. Please review the supported audio configurations for your device:

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Audio Signal Checked

The audio signal should be checked for volume and levels adjusted as needed.

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Video cable run to the classroom device location

Ensure that the video cabling has been run to the classroom device location. Please review the supported video configurations for your device:

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Video Signal Checked (optional)

The video signal should be checked to ensure that high-quality video signal is present at the capture station. An external video monitor or video scope may be helpful to test the video signal.

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Network connection available for the classroom device

A network connection to the ESS is required for normal operation of any Classroom Device. DHCP and static addressing are options IP addressing for the device. If the institution requires MAC address registration for dynamic addressing, this should be completed prior to the installation of the capture device.

Personal Capture Software




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Audio source available

Typical Personal Capture audio sources are internal laptop microphones, 1/8"microphones, and USB audio devices. Ensure that the audio source is installed and configured.

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Webcam (optional)

Webcam video is an optional capture source. Install the webcam drivers and webcam.

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Windows - Administrator access

Ensure you have administrator or elevation access for Windows.

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Windows - Internet access

Personal Capture for Windows requires Internet access to download required software components during installation.