Reprocess an Echo

Reprocess an Echo

In this section:


Some changes to an Echo are not automatically applied. These include:

  • Adding an intro/outro clip
  • Adding a watermark

You must force the Echo to be reprocessed.

Please note that Outro clips are only added to the Podcast/Vodcast download files; they will not appear in the EchoPlayer.


  1. Navigate to Echoes > Echoes.
  2. Click the name of the Echo.
    screenshot of Echoes list with one labeled to select.
  3. On the Edit Details page, scroll to the bottom. Click Reprocess Media, as shown in the figure below.
    screenshot of edits page with Reprocess Media button labeled.
    Notice that a new line has been added to the Presentation Media Edits section of the page, as shown in the figure below.
    screenshot of Media Edits page with new line.
  4. You can wait for this line to be updated or you can monitor the processing. To monitor the processing:
    1. Navigate to Monitor > Summary.
    2. Click the Completed tab. If your Echo is not their, click the Processing tab, as shown in the figure below.
      screenshot of monitor summary page with Processing tab labeled.
    3. In either the Completed or Processing tab, you see:
      • The word "Succeeded" in the Processing Status column
      • A green, completed filled progress bar with the text "100%," as shown in the figure below.
        screenshot of processing status completed progress bar.

Troubleshooting - If the Reprocess Fails

On rare occasions, you receive an error message when you attempt to reprocess an Echo.

This may be caused by an over-full .tmp directory. Your System Administrator can correct this by changing the temporary storage location. See Best Practice - Establish a Temporary Storage Location.