Retire and Reinstate a User

Retire and Reinstate a User

In this section:


Retiring a user temporarily removes the user's privileges but does not  delete the user permanently. You can reinstate a retired user.

You can retire a staff member who is associated with an active section or schedule. If there are scheduled captures associated with the user, these captures will be assigned to the Default Presenter. See What is the Default Presenter?

You cannot retire yourself as a user when you are logged in with that user account.

You cannot retire a System Administrator; you must first remove the System Admin role. 

To retire or reinstate a user, you must be:

  • An Administrator (assigned the Admin role) for the user's organization, or  
  • System Administrator of the parent organization.

Retiring System Administrators with No Other Role

As stated above, you must remove the System Admin role from a user before you can retire them. After you remove the System Admin role and click Save, the User Details screen appears, including a Retire button at the bottom. If you do not retire the user at this point, and the user has no other roles assigned, the user will appear in the Active Student tab. Students are defined by the system as any user without an assigned organization and role.


Retire a User

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Users.
  2. If you can easily do so, use the Search options to find only the users you want to retire.
  3. Check the users you want to retire, either individually or using the Select links at the bottom of the page, highlighted in the below figure.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Select Retire selected from the drop-down box, also shown in the below figure.
    screenshot of active users list with select options and actions options shown
  5. Confirm that you want to retire the user(s).
  6. Notice that a confirmation message appears. If the user being retired is associated with future captures, these future captures will be assigned to the Default Presenter. See What Is the Default Presenter?
  7. Click Yes to confirm the retirement of the user(s). The selected users move to the Retired tab.

What Is the Default Presenter?

The Default Presenter is a particular type of user, created for a specific case: if you retire an Academic Staff member who is the only Instructor assigned to a section and/or the only Presenter associated with a scheduled capture, the system automatically assigns the "Default Presenter" user to the section and future captures. This is because this information is required for sections and schedules.

  • You do not have to create a Default Presenter. The ESS creates this user account automatically.
  • The Default Presenter cannot be retired or deleted.
  • The assignment of Default Presenter occurs automatically when the sole instructor or presenter is retired. The screenshot below shows the Default Presenter as the Instructor for a section.

    Default Presenter in section details as described  

Replace Default Presenters with Academic Staff

When a new Instructor is assigned to the section, you should update the section and associated schedules with the newly assigned staff member, removing the Default Presenter from those configurations.

To easily find Default Presenter assignments to replace, you can:

  • Perform a Search on the Courses list page:
    1. Navigate to Schedule > Courses.
    2. Enter "Default Presenter" or select the Default Presenter from the Person drop-down list.
    3. Click Search.
  • Sort the Schedules list page:
    1. Navigate to Schedule > Schedules.
    2. Click the Presenter column to sort the list by Presenter, OR
    3. Enter "default" into the Keyword Search box and click Search. This is shown in the below figure.

      Echoes with the default presenter

Either method allows you to review the current Default Presenter assignments, and change them to assign active Academic Staff as necessary.

Procedure - Reinstate a User

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Users.
  2. Click the Retired tab to show retired users.
  3. To reinstate only one user, hover your mouse over that user's name and click reinstate.
  4. To reinstate multiple users:
    1. Check the users you want to reinstate, either individually or using the Select links at the bottom of the page, highlighted in the below figure.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Select Reinstate selected from the Actions drop-down list, also shown in the below figure.
      screenshot of retired users list with select options and actions options shown
  5. The selected users move to the Active tab.

If appropriate, you should update any section and associated schedules configurations, to replace any Default Presenter assignments with the reinstated Academic Staff member.



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