Viewing CSV Exports in Other Languages

Viewing CSV Exports in Other Languages

In this section:


EchoCenter supports viewing the system and its components in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

The CSV export functions are configured for UTF-8 character encoding. If you plan to view an exported CSV file in Arabic or Japanese, there are specific choices you must make in order to import the CSV file into the spreadsheet program properly.

While we did not test all operating system and software combinations, the information provided here should provide sufficient guidelines to apply to other configurations as needed.

The instructions provided below apply to all CSV exports from the ESS, including object exports such as user or course export, as well as Personal Capture licensing exports and all report exports to CSV.

Encoding Configuration is NOT supported for Excel on Mac OS X

The language encoding selection process noted here is not supported on Excel for Mac OS X.

Setting Encoding for Excel and Open Office

Use the below instructions to set language encoding for Excel on Windows 7, or Open Office on either Windows 7 or Mac OS X. The steps provided here were generated for Open Office 3.4.1.

LanguageOperating SystemSoftwareSteps
ArabicWindows 7 SP1Excel 2007, 2013

Choose language encoding during CSV import

  1. Create a new worksheet. This activates the buttons in the tabs.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click the From Text button.
  4. Navigate to the CSV file you exported from the ESS, and double-click it, or highlight it and click Import. The Text Import Wizard appears.
  5. Select Delimited for the data type.
  6. In the File Origin drop-down list, select Unicode (UTF-8).
  7. Click Next
  8. From the list of Delimiters, select Comma and de-select Tab (selected by default).
  9. Click Finish.
ArabicWindows 7 SP1, Mac OS X 10.6.8Open Office 3.4.1
  1. Create a new spreadsheet.
  2. Click the Open icon.
  3. From the Character Set drop-down list in the Import section, select Unicode UTF-8.
  4. From the list of Separated By options, select Comma.
  5. Click OK
ArabicMac OS X 10.6.8Excel 2011Unsupported
JapaneseWindows 7 SP1Excel 2007, 2013

Option 1: Choose language encoding during CSV import

  1. Create a new worksheet. This activates the buttons in the tabs.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click the From Text button.
  4. Navigate to the CSV file you exported from the ESS, and double-click it, or highlight it and click Import. The Text Import Wizard appears.
  5. Select Delimited for the data type.
  6. In the File Origin drop-down list, select Japanese (Shift-JIS).
  7. Click Next
  8. From the list of Delimiters, select Comma and de-select Tab (selected by default).
  9. Click Finish.

Option 2: Set language encoding for Excel

  1. Open Excel Options, either by clicking the Office logo in the upper left corner, or using the File tab.
  2. Open the Language Settings (select Popular > Language Settings or select Language in the left sidebar, depending on the Excel version you are using).
  3. In the Editing Languages section, select Japanese from the drop-down list, and click Add.
  4. If appropriate, highlight Japanese from the Editing Language list and click Set as Default.
  5. Click OK.

Windows 7 SP1, Mac OS X 10.6.8

Open Office 3.4.1
  1. Create a new spreadsheet.
  2. Click the Open icon.
  3. From the Character Set drop-down list in the Import section, select Unicode UTF-8.
  4. From the list of Separated By options, select Comma.
  5. Click OK
JapaneseMac OS X 10.6.8Excel 2011Unsupported