Audit Reports

Audit Reports

In this section:


Audit Reports are automatically generated and list items that are added to or deleted from the system.

To view the audit report, select Reports > Audit Report.

For a detailed review of the audit report information, click Export to export the Audit Report to a CSV file. This allows you to open the report in a spreadsheet program, and perform sorting and filtering of the reported data.

A sample Audit Report is shown in the below figure.

screenshot showing sample audit report as described

The information provided by an audit report is detailed in the below table.

Column NameDescription

Provides and time/date stamp for when the listed action occurred.

UsernameLists the email address of the logged in user who performed the action.
ActionShows whether the item was Added or Deleted from the ESS.

Lists the type of item that was either added or deleted from the ESS, and can include the following items:

    • Schedule
    • Section
    • Course
    • Term
    • User (Type=Person)
    • Device
    • Device Configuration
    • Security Module
    • Organization
    • Echo (Type=Presentation) NOTE: Only Deleted Echoes are listed, since creation is not done through direct interaction with the ESS interface.

Provides detailed information about the item, and includes the following information for the noted item type:

    • Schedule: <schedule name> <room name> <presenter name> <summary from schedule list>
    • Section: <section name> - <course name> - <term name>
    • Course: <course name>
    • Term: <term name>
    • User (Type=Person): <display name> <email address> <username>
    • Device: <device type> <MAC Address>
    • Device Configuration: <device configuration name>
    • Security Module: <security module name>
    • Organization: <organization name> - <org full name>
    • Echo (Type = Presentation): <echo name> <device name> <product group>